thanks to the kind folks at DU for this info
Published on November 6, 2004 By bleedingheartliberal In Politics

At that link, provided by the folks at DU, one can find the official county by county vote tallies from Florida in a compact database. However, if one goes down to the "op-scan" section, interesting irregularities begin to show in the numbers. For example: look at Liberty County...Calhoun County...Taylor County...Bradford County...just to name a few. I think you all get the point by this time.

Just to let all you right-wingers know, this is issue is about to explode:

1) Three congressmen have signed on to a letter demanding an investigation.

2) has filed a massive freedom of information act claim on Florida, and I am proud to say that I donated to help further that cause, and I encourage anyone who feels like this matter needs to be investigated to do the same. (Thank you Mrs. Rhodes)

3)The left is not going to sit by while the millions of people who voted for Senator Kerry are disenfranchised.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 06, 2004
Oh I get the point, I think you will find a kindred spirit here.
on Nov 06, 2004
Yes, we get it, DU users are nuts.
on Nov 06, 2004
It will be interesting to see if anyone gets caught with their pants down this time. I don't trust either party, As we know both parties have participated in such shennanigans at one time or another andI suspect one, the other, or both did this time. If so the question will be at what level it was orchestrated from. In any case I try not to speculate too much from the get go.

One thing I did notice were the exit polls. They were leaked to start with and all the swing states had severe irregularities. I have heard a few people state that they have never seen such irregularities, that exit polls are used when the UN conducts elections in 3rd world countries to look for fraud, and they think that there should be an investigation to see if the exit polls were "cooked". May or may not reveal fraud, but cooking exit polls is a civil rights violation. As far as leaking the exit polls I don't know where the legality of that stands.

on Nov 06, 2004
Your right, it looks like the Democrats were stuffing the ballot boxes in the larger counties. Seriously, the smaller counties are where the purported anomalies exist both Sumter and Nassau (in E-touch) exhibit similar behavior that is supposedly odd in the Op-scan. I see no reason to expect a correlation between voting pattern and machine. What is more likely is that the "expected" vote numbers were WRONG (much of the whole analysis hinges on the expected vote), that the smaller counties are more conservative and that the FEMA aid due to hurricanes helped swing Florida toward GWB (it gave GWB and his brother lots of opportunity to shake hands and make personal appeals to Floridians).
on Nov 06, 2004
What I found intresting about that was that all the counties with high turnover, had very small populations... I didn't really see anything that would make me cry fraud though, unless the huricanes were a gov conspiracy to boost the republican vote.... Hmmm.
on Nov 06, 2004
msladydeath - 11/6/2004 3:07:47 AM
What I found intresting about that was that all the counties with high turnover, had very small populations... I didn't really see anything that would make me cry fraud though, unless the huricanes were a gov conspiracy to boost the republican vote.... Hmmm.

The telling statistic is not in the turnout, its in the results. Calhoun county has 82% of those registered as Democrat and only 11 % Republican and Bush pulls 63% of the votes? Duval county has 37 % Republicans compared to 46 % Democrats and Bush pulls almost 60% of the votes? Even in counties won by Kerry, its not by the margin one would expect. Gadsen county 83% registered Democrats compared to 11% Republican, and Kerry can only get 70 % of the vote? Less than 3000 registered Republicans in that county and yet in the final vote talley, Bush received over 6000 votes.
on Nov 06, 2004

At that link, provided by the folks at DU,

That's all I needed to hear. 

Do you honestly think that complaining and screaming 'fraud' like this furthers your cause? 

on Nov 06, 2004

As you can see by the threads, our conservative friends don't care if abuses occured. So, let's open up the discussion. Hey everybody: Is it all right to cheat if you win? Since that makes you the MAJORITY, imposing your will doesn't matter?
on Nov 06, 2004
The telling statistic is not in the turnout, its in the results.

Since when does being registered as one party or the other mean you have to vote for that party's candidate 100% of the time? I guess that means that if someone is registered as an Independent they are restricted to only voting for an Independent candidate?

I guess my understanding of voting rules is different from yours
on Nov 06, 2004

Reply #9 By: CrispE - 11/6/2004 9:56:40 AM

As you can see by the threads, our conservative friends don't care if abuses occured. So, let's open up the discussion. Hey everybody: Is it all right to cheat if you win? Since that makes you the MAJORITY, imposing your will doesn't matter

Before you go talking smack, you should have proof to back you up!
on Nov 06, 2004
More evidence of a stolen election
By: bleedingheartliberal
Posted: Saturday, November 06, 2004 on Speak Truth to Power
Message Board: Politics
3)The left is not going to sit by while the millions of people who voted for Senator Kerry are disenfranchised.

Do you even know the meaning of the word?

One entry found for disfranchise.

Main Entry: dis·fran·chise
Pronunciation: (")dis-'fran-"chIz
Function: transitive verb
: to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity; especially : to deprive of the right to vote
- dis·fran·chise·ment /-"chIz-m&nt, -ch&z-/ noun

No one was deprived of their right to vote! Get a grip!
on Nov 06, 2004
Since when does being registered as one party or the other mean you have to vote for that party's candidate 100% of the time? I guess that means that if someone is registered as an Independent they are restricted to only voting for an Independent candidate?

I guess my understanding of voting rules is different from yours

The fact that across the country that partsians regularly voted over 90% for their party candidate for President means nothing, huh. Are we expected to believe that only in Florida Democrats split evenly for Kerry/Bush? If something stinks its probably going bad.
on Nov 06, 2004

Bravo! BTW: I haven't said the abuses invalidate the election. (and I don't think you accused me of saying it, but just to set the record straight). The key is that we don't let this situation just fester over and over.... over and over... over and over... I hope we are all in agreement on that.
on Nov 06, 2004

Once again, you question whether abuses occur, even when your own party MADE THE ACCUSATIONS in many cases?! When are you going to realize that an election manipulated in any way is wrong?
on Nov 06, 2004

Reply #6 By: whoman69 - 11/6/2004 9:03:38 AM
msladydeath - 11/6/2004 3:07:47 AM
What I found intresting about that was that all the counties with high turnover, had very small populations... I didn't really see anything that would make me cry fraud though, unless the huricanes were a gov conspiracy to boost the republican vote.... Hmmm.

The telling statistic is not in the turnout, its in the results. Calhoun county has 82% of those registered as Democrat and only 11 % Republican and Bush pulls 63% of the votes? Duval county has 37 % Republicans compared to 46 % Democrats and Bush pulls almost 60% of the votes? Even in counties won by Kerry, its not by the margin one would expect. Gadsen county 83% registered Democrats compared to 11% Republican, and Kerry can only get 70 % of the vote? Less than 3000 registered Republicans in that county and yet in the final vote talley, Bush received over 6000 votes.

Whats the matter? Don't think a Democrat would EVER vote for a Republican? mhahahahahahahahaha!!!!
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