thanks to the kind folks at DU for this info
At that link, provided by the folks at DU, one can find the official county by county vote tallies from Florida in a compact database. However, if one goes down to the "op-scan" section, interesting irregularities begin to show in the numbers. For example: look at Liberty County...Calhoun County...Taylor County...Bradford County...just to name a few. I think you all get the point by this time.
Just to let all you right-wingers know, this is issue is about to explode:
1) Three congressmen have signed on to a letter demanding an investigation.
2) has filed a massive freedom of information act claim on Florida, and I am proud to say that I donated to help further that cause, and I encourage anyone who feels like this matter needs to be investigated to do the same. (Thank you Mrs. Rhodes)
3)The left is not going to sit by while the millions of people who voted for Senator Kerry are disenfranchised.