Kerry was screwed, but the battle rages on
It was a surreal moment, after John Edwards announced in the early morning of November 3rd, that the fight for every vote would continue, word spread through my high school that Senator Kerry had conceded. I was devastated and in denial. What caused the sudden reversal of positions by the campaign in a mere 9 hour time frame? After a whole campaign of saying every vote would be counted, why was Senator Kerry conceding? He said that if all the votes were counted he would've still lost, and that there was "no chance" we could win the election. He lied. Greg Palast (Ya'll need to read this if you haven't Palast's article is is at has reported that there are 247,672 ballots still uncounted. Does that sound familiar? It should because that is what Mary Beth Cahill's statement about the estimated "250,000 uncounted votes" on November 3, 2004 said. That number, though immediately dismissed by pundits and conservative talking heads, however includes "discarded" ballots, like the "chad" ballots that could be reviewed through legal action. . So why not fight? He says he wants the country to "heal". I say there's more to his concession than that.
As many of you know, insiders from the campaign say that Senator Edwards insisted adamantly on continuing the legal battle. From the tone of his early morning speech, that's what it seemed like. There are two possible scenarios here. Scenario one: Senator Kerry out of the goodness of his heart, and based on an extreme desire to begin to heal this wounded and divided nation conceded, so the country could move on. Scenario two: Something extreme, so outrageous factor influenced Senator Kerry to immediately concede, despite the advice of John Edwards. I go with scenario two.
55 percent of roughly 250,000 votes is definitely worth fighting for. I believe, and will always believe, that Senator Kerry was threatened and forced into concession.
There is still hope however, the DailyKos broke that there's an Ohio election law that allows 5 voters in a county to demand a recount of the votes. It has been researched and verified that there is such a law. So if we can get 5 voters out in every county we can do what Senator Kerry can't/doesn't want to do, and try to fight for justice in Ohio. If you know anyone there, then please let them know to demand a recount. There is a 5 day limit on this, so we must act fast.